Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gift Suggestion or For Yourself: The Best Cookbook Ever and a Dutch Oven

One thing that you will undoubtedly discover about me if you continue to read this blog is that I love theme gifts - you know, a few lovely items that just fit cozily together like puzzle pieces, all wrapped up and presented to the recipient in a self-contained little world of awesomeness. The gift that they can just open up and immediately cash in on the excitement by using it right away, rather than allowing it to gather dust while they search for the other components they may need. Well, that's what this is: a cookbook and a dutch oven. First, let's discuss the cookbook, Glorious One-Pot Meals by Elizabeth Yarnell ($12). This cookbook is unlike any cookbook that I have ever owned -- i.e., it is stained and tattered and actually frequently used. I could go on and on about this cookbook because it is so amazing, but in one sentence it allows you to cook a complete meal in 45 minutes, utilizing only one pot. You layer the ingredients (for example your starch, veggies, seasonings and proteins), sling it into the oven, and 45 minutes later you have a perfect meal which, get this, looks as if you have actually cooked the items separately. It really is that easy. My first foray into this was a five minute project of layering some cut up potatoes, frozen tilapia, some lovely dill seasoning mix I had laying in my cupboard and fresh asparagus. In anycase, 45 minutes later the pot emerged with perfectly cooked potatoes, a flaky, moist and deliciously seasoned piece of fish and a side of steamed asparagus. And may I once again mention that the fish was frozen?

Using the tenets that great food will result when utilizing the right pot and cooking at the right temperature for the correct amount of time, Yarnell developed this theory she calls "infusion- cooking", which produces, without fail, perfect meals with no fuss. Each recipe is a nutritionally complete meal so you don't need even a side salad - unless you want one, of course. You can rely upon the recipes in the book (which include a number of standard faves like pasta recipes, pot roast, or a one-pot Thanksgiving dinner, as well as lots of variations with ethnic twists such as greek chicken, tandoori salmon and kale, or Thai curry with tofu) OR you can venture out on your own utilizing the easy to understand method set forth in the beginning of the book. By using any ingredients you have on hand and layering them in a designated order you will have a perfect meal every single time. Forgot to take things out of the freezer - no problem! The meals come out just as perfectly utilizing rock-hard items just pulled from the freezer (you can also use dried and canned foods, as well as fresh, of course, or any combination thereof). And you can even layer the items in advance, throw the pot in the fridge, and then cook it when you get home. Awesomeness!

Besides the book, you'll also need a dutch oven. Yarnell discusses the virtues of various types of dutch ovens in her book, generally favoring enamel coated cast iron. You could go top of the line with a lovely Le Crueset (ranging anywhere from $120 to $250, depending on size) or you can go with a middle of the road and perfectly serviceable Lodge enameled cast iron (about $80). If you are being super budget conscious you could also get a plain pre-seasoned cast-iron dutch oven (about $30-50), which will last a lifetime and will work just as well (it will just require a bit of maintenance and will need to be re-seasoned and oiled once in awhile since it isn't enamel coated and will lean towards rusting). Get a 2 quart one for one person, a 3 or 4 quart one for two people, and a 5 or 6 quart one for a family.

Wrap it all up (or have it shipped to the recipient from an online merchant like and you've got a perfect gift that will be used by everyone including singles, couples, moms, college students, newly marrieds, etc. Don't forget to have an extra one shipped to yourself!


  1. FYI: I got a dutch oven at Ikea of all places. It's a new line of coated cast iron cookware (called "Senior" here in England). I got a 3 quart oven for £30, so it should be reasonably priced in the US, too. And it's a pretty cobalt blue!

  2. I just bought this cookbook and I am in LOVE! Great recommendation :)

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